Love Me, Love My Beauty Secrets


Cosmetics (Photo credit: My Sight, as You See.)

We all have certain things we swear by, but only share with our closest friends. Because, after all, if we all have the same beauty secrets, no one has an edge. And we all want an edge–don’t we?

But I have found I love certain products so much that I just have to share their goodness with everyone–or the few folks who don’t know about them. Because that is the kind of person I am (smiley faces and flowers galore).

Seriously, if we don’t share what we know, then what is the good of having a blog. So, let me share with you two of my favorite beauty products, go-to items when I want to look as fabulous as I can.

The first is Benefit’s High Beam. This “luminescent complexion enhancer” is the absolute last word on bright skin tone and a beautiful glow. You can dot and blend it over your makeup to make your best features stand out, and to shore up other not-so-faboo features. On your cheeks, it can highlight killer cheek bones. Under your brows, it can open your eyes. And on your Cupid’s bow, it can highlight your gorgeous bee-sting pout. It lights up your skin and enhances what you want enhanced. It makes my tired eyes look brighter, and can also conceal under-eye circles.  It’s a great multitasker in a bottle.

The second is Michael Kors Leg Shine–Classic. I love everything about Michael, but this product stands out.  It gives my legs a subtle glow that approximates a light tan, and the scent is to die for. Rub it down the center of your shins, and your legs will look thinner. It also provides a bit of moisture and shine to legs, and my legs need that–how about yours?