Mistress of Fashion

SpicesWhile watching The Mistress of Spices the other night (a wonderful film based on the book by Chitra Banerjee Divalarun), I reflected on the heroine who is trained in the mystical art of using spices to help people solve their personal problems. While watching, I kept thinking, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to do this?”

And then I thought, but wait, I do something similar, with the clothes that pass through my shop. I thought of those whom I help to find the perfect outfit, and how perfect these moments are:

  • The woman attending a 50’s party who finds a great retro top, shoes, earrings, and a glorious rhinestone pin. She had the makings for a perfect outfit, and was thrilled when she left, having spent under $20 for said outfit.
  • Another woman attending a New Year’s Eve party, whose go-to color was black. She left with a pair of pants the color of polished pewter, and a soft pink angora sweater. She later reported on receiving record number of compliments on this outfit.
  • A young girl going to prom on a strict budget found a striking aqua and black polka dot number with a crisp crinoline. She was thrilled and later showed us photos of her triumphal prom entry.

We help people find what flatters, what fulfills their need, and what makes them feel good about their bodies and their selves. They may not have originally considered these items, but leave the store loving them. So, we are the Mistresses of Fashion. Come on in and lay down the challenge. We love to help customers discover pieces that they may never have considered but, once on them, they find they love. We will help you find an outfit that will make you exclaim, “Why, it’s perfect!”

We’re the Mistresses of Fashion! It’s our passion and pleasure, and it’s calorie free.